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Maria Kuzma

Maria Kuzma

Snowboard freeriding architect
Snowboard freerider, architect and globetrotter

Snowboard freerider, architect and globetrotter

From: Mother is Philippino/Spanish and father is Scottish/Polish
Education: Masters degree in Architecture
Passion: Snowboarding, surfing, architecture and meaningful design in detail
Future plans: To compete on an international level and to explore and be exposed to as many different aspects of the architecture industry as possible
World citizen: Lived in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Indonesia, USA and Austria
Film projects: Future plans to work with more and more film projects

Fulfilling dreams

Fulfilling dreams

Maria’s ticking off the boxes on her bucket list. She dreams about exploring and to be exposed to as many different aspects of the architecture industry as possible, and to have her own meaningful projects and work materialized.
That board life

That board life

Another dream of Maria’s is to snowboard and compete on an international level. A big goal for the future with snowboarding is to be involved in more film projects.


Maria’s passionate about snowboarding, surfing, architecture and meaningful design in detail. Another focus is to ensure she’s surrounded and inspired by intelligent strong women who are pushing the boundaries.

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark"

The greater danger for most of us
The greater danger for most of us

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark"

Mes témoignages

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