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Thule Sleek sibling seat sibling seat aluminium/shadow gray
Thule Sleek sibling seat sibling seat aluminium/shadow gray
Thule Sleek sibling seat sibling seat aluminium/shadow gray
Thule Sleek sibling seat sibling seat aluminium/shadow gray
A woman in orange walks down a cobbled street with her kids in a gray Thule Sleek Sibling Seat.
A woman peers inside the gray Thule Sleek Sibling Seat canopy to see her child.
Parents sit in a cafe outside with their kids running around a stroller with a blue Thule Sleek Sibling Seat.
A woman walks down a street with her kids in a stroller that has a blue Thule Sleek Sibling Seat.
Current image number

Thule Sleek sibling seat

sibling seat aluminium/shadow gray

Comfortable and spacious seat that transforms your Thule Sleek into a double stroller.
Reversible seat for parent- or forward-facing position
Comfortable large seating area, with generous sitting height and adjustable footwell
Thule Sleek Sibling Seat ShadowGrey - Adjustable canopy
Extendable ventilated canopy with peekaboo window and sun visor gives your child a pleasant ride in any weather and provides UV protection (UPF 50+)
Reclining seat in three positions for great comfort in both sleeping, resting, and upright position
Bumper bar that rotates to the side for easy seating of your child
Raincover and Thule Sleek Adapter Kit included


Thule Sleek


3.1 kg

Country of origin



Aluminum/Shadow Gray

Model number


Spare parts
Thule Sleek Sibling Seat product video
How to install Thule Sleek Sibling Seat

Manufacturing information

Trademark Registered: Thule Sweden AB
Manufacturer Name: Thule Sweden
Manufacturer Address:  Borggatan 5, 335 73 Hillerstorp, Sweden
Email: support@thule.com
Website: www.thule.com

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