Thule Spring stroller gets prestigious German Design Award

The German Design Award is one of the most widely recognized international design awards, honoring first-rate entries in the field of product and communications design. We are proud to announce that our city stroller Thule Spring has won the German Design Award for 2020.
Thule Spring - German Design Award

When we started the design process, we had three main points that we wanted to achieve:

  • Excellent maneuverability for the city and beyond
  • Easy one-hand fast fold that simplifies your life
  • Comfort for all day, every day

We think that we nailed it. But what did the jury have to say?
“Versatile, compact and dynamic, this stroller convinces with its minimal dimensions and outstanding maneuverability in a lightweight frame that fits in any environment. Different colors for frames and coverage offer the possibility of individual design of this elegant pram.”

Statement of the jury for German Design Award

See Thule Spring

Thule Spring

Thule Spring 推車的遮棚新色彩

為了能搭配不同的個性,我們推出了鋁或黑色以及 Misty Rose Melange (混搭迷霧玫瑰色) 兩種新的色彩。
Thule Sleek Black on Black

Thule Sleek 深黑版都市專用嬰兒推車 – 因時尚而生

注重品味的家長自然會選擇我們獲獎肯定的 Thule Sleek 都市專用嬰兒推車。