Thule Chariot Lite single 1-seat multisport bike trailer agave green
Thule Chariot Lite single 1-seat multisport bike trailer agave green
Thule Chariot Lite single 1-seat multisport bike trailer agave green
Thule Chariot Lite single 1-seat multisport bike trailer agave green
Thule Chariot Lite single 1-seat multisport bike trailer agave green
Thule Chariot Lite single 1-seat multisport bike trailer agave green
A parent bikes past an artsy wall with a Thule Chariot Lite bike trailer.
A woman strolls down a city street with her Thule Chariot Lite kids' bike trailer.
A woman bikes down a street with her child in the Thule Chariot Lite child bike trailer.
Current image number

Thule Chariot Lite single

agave 綠色單座多重運動型自行車拖車



雙座 單座


容易使用、攜帶方便。Thule Chariot Lite 是一款輕巧便利的嬰兒推車,適合日常生活使用,也可以當做多功能運動拖車,讓您與孩子一起享受更多活動。隨附標準配件。
四項全能 – 專為以下活動設計:自行車、慢跑、散步與滑雪 (慢跑與滑雪套件分開販售)
Thule Chariot Lite Multisport Bike Trailer- Suspension
懸吊系統 – 為家長與孩子提供舒適的騎乘體驗
Thule Chariot Lite Multisport Bike Trailer- Folded
輕巧折疊 – 便於攜帶
Thule VersaWing 系統 – 無論搭配哪一種套件,都能快速轉換成適合不同活動的模式
Thule Chariot Lite Multisport Bike Trailer- Rear light
Thule Chariot Lite Multisport Bike Trailer- Ventilation
Thule Chariot Lite Multisport Bike Trailer- Store kit
Thule Click n’ Store – 方便的內建收納空間,在轉換不同活動時可收納嬰兒推車、慢跑推車及自行車拖車套件
可調式車把 - 符合人體工學,可為父母提供最大的舒適性
標準配件 (隨附) - 自行車拖車與嬰兒推車套件、通風口和車燈、懸吊系統、可調式車把以及簡單、輕巧的折疊設計
Thule Chariot Lite - Folded dimensions
Thule Chariot Lite - Sitting hight
Thule Chariot Lite - Sitting hight
Thule Chariot Lite - Shoulder width
Thule Chariot Lite - Door pass through
Thule Chariot Lite - Folded dimensions
Thule Chariot Lite - Sitting hight
Thule Chariot Lite - Folded dimensions
Thule Chariot Lite - Sitting hight
Thule Chariot Lite - Shoulder width
Thule Chariot Lite - Door pass through
Thule Chariot Lite - Folded dimensions





Thule Chariot Lite 說明影片

適用於以下產品的配件: Thule Chariot Lite single
