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Thule Sleek car seat adapter - main position car seat adapter main position black
A woman walks away from a white vehicle with her child in a car seat thanks to the Thule Sleek Car Seat Adapter.
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Thule Sleek car seat adapter - main position

car seat adapter main position black

54,95 € 54.95 EUR
Go from car to stroller with an adapter that lets you quickly and easily attach an infant car seat to your Thule Sleek stroller.
Easy click-in installation and removal
Compatible with popular infant car seat models from Maxi-Cosi®, BeSafe®, Cybex® and Nuna® (see Fitting compatibility)
Fits Thule Sleek in main position, single configuration


Thule Sleek


0.337 kg

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Manufacturing information

Trademark Registered: Thule Sweden AB
Manufacturer Name: Thule Sweden
Manufacturer Address:  Borggatan 5, 335 73 Hillerstorp, Sweden
Email: support@thule.com
Website: www.thule.com

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