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Thule Omnistor 5200 tent mounting rail
A white van overlooking the mountains and an awning with a Thule Tent LED Mounting Rail van light.
Current image number

Thule Omnistor 5200

tent mounting rail 3.50m anodised gray

This profile covers the adapters and is provided with a channel to slide a Thule tent or the Thule organizers in.
Thule Tent LED Mounting Rail for TO 5200 awning Led Light
Provided with additional space for an optional Thule LED Strip
Thule Tent LED Mounting Rail for TO 5200 awning
Available in the colours white, anodised and anthracite

Country of origin


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Thule Tent Led Mounting Rail TO 5200 Disassembly
How to disassemble Thule Tent LED Mounting Rail TO 5200
Thule Tent Led Mounting Rail TO 5200 Mounting
How to assemble Thule Tent LED Mounting Rail TO 5200

Manufacturing information

Trademark Registered: Thule Sweden AB
Manufacturer Name: Thule Sweden
Manufacturer Address:  Borggatan 5, 335 73 Hillerstorp, Sweden
Email: Kontakt@thule.com
Website: www.thule.com

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