A bird’s eye view of the Thule Outset tent attached to a car parked in the countryside.

Thule Outset - 體驗戶外生活的革命性體驗

使用 Thule Outset 發掘戶外生活的新標準,這是市場上首度安裝在牽引桿上的帳篷,專為舒適度和冒險旅程打造。



冒險設計講求與大自然一起充分利用它的力量、抵抗它的力量,並升華它的美麗。這就是 Thule Outset 開發的理念。

A sketch in black and white of the Thule Outset tent with someone inside and a child jumping.

線條流暢、現代感的輪廓和平靜的色調有助於融入周圍環境 Thule Outset而嚴謹的材料測試則確保它也耐得住多變的環境條件。

對於 Outset, Thule 舒適感不只是讓您一夜好眠的關鍵,而且還為您開闢了一種全新的、親密的方式來體驗自然。

A family sits in the Thule Outset car tent grilling food with a car parked nearby.
A man and a woman sit with their dog inside the Thule Outset car tent.
A man enters his car in the dark with his Thule Outset car tent attached with red rear lights.