
Thule 與永續性

我們希望 Thule 能藉由創新、高品質的產品、負責任的製造方式,啟發我們過著活躍的生活,創造出更為永續化的世界。對我們而言,這便是永續性。


我們隨時把氣候與環境視為自身的責任,並依照聯合國 2030 年永續開發議題當中的概念與精神,落實於日常工作以及長遠的計畫中。


Thule 希望能穩定地減少我們對於氣候與環境的影響,因為這是我們現在與未來的工作內容:也就是讓消費者、客戶與員工都能夠從現在到未來享受到大自然活躍生活的樂趣。



產品與消費者– 我們會不斷推出倡導健康與活躍生活方式,同時安全好用的產品,並且盡量減少產品在整個使用週期內對於環境的影響。詳細內容。

效率與可靠的生產方式 – 我們堅持採用氣候智慧且有效率的生產方式,並保證在安全且無害的工作環境中作業。詳細內容。 

• 責任採購與後勤 – 我們在選擇供應商時,會將環境、人權與良好的工作條件列入考量。為提高後勤的效率,我們會縮短運送的距離、採用最佳的包裝方式,並盡可能將運送效率發揮到極致。詳細內容。

• 責任經營方式 – 我們以高道德標準看待企業關係、提供開放且周詳的工作場所,同時與鄰近的社區保持良好關係。詳細內容。

Thule color profile

Our products

We’re passionate about developing smart, innovative products that make it easier for you to enjoy an active life. Our product development builds on four cornerstones: a good understanding of how people use our products, a sustainable design philosophy, advanced development and manufacturing skills, and, last but not least, high-quality, extreme testing.

Sustainable by design

It’s pretty simple: Products that last longer are better for the environment that’s why smart, high-quality technical solutions with a sophisticated product design are the foundation for our sustainability efforts. We also continually make improvements to lower our products’ impact on the environment. While at the same time, we make sure they meet our high demands for user-friendliness, quality, consumer health and safety.

Only the toughest survive

To make sure our products meet our high function and quality demands, we test them at the Thule Test Center in Sweden using our Thule Test Program, which includes vibration, crash, fatigue, and environmental tests to name a few. In addition, there are always plenty of volunteers among our employees and partners who want to test the latest child bike seat or hiking backpack in real life.

Product development with a climate and environmental focus:

Reduced impact in manufacturing – conscious choice of materials, energy-efficient manufacturing, optimized packaging, and high usage of recycled materials.

Longer lifetime – improved corrosion resistance, easier product repair thanks to replacing or repairing key components.

Lower impact from product use – e.g. lower air drag on car-mounted carriers to save fuel and cut noise. Or easy attachment and removal of vehicle-related products.

Two women working on Thule products

Smart and efficient manufacturing

Thule has a number of factories across Europe, Brazil, and the US. But no matter where they are, we’ll make sure of climate-smart and efficient manufacturing, in a workplace where our employees feel positive and safe.

Reducing climate impact

In our factories, climate impact comes mostly from energy for heating, ventilation, cooling and production itself. Our goal is to reduce this energy consumption as well as using more renewable energy. So we’ve adopted an ambitious goal for 2020: 100% of our electricity is to come from certified renewable sources. We’re also looking to reduce CO2 emissions from our facilities by 65% compared with 2014. To make this happen, we’ve been investing over the past few years in ways to become less dependent on fossil fuels.

Climate-smart by example

Solar panels on our buildings in Connecticut, USA cover around 25% of the electricity needs. And, at our assembly and development unit in Hillerstorp, Sweden, we’re using renewable energy for both heating and electricity.

Responsible sourcing and logistics

Responsible sourcing and logistics

A sustainable supply chain and cost-efficient, climate-smart distribution are high on our agenda.

Taking responsibility at source

At Thule, Our Code of Conduct spells out what we demand from our suppliers concerning human rights, labour law, health and safety, and the environment. We obey the principles of the UN Global Compact, as well as ILO and OECD guidelines. While our own and independent audits monitor compliance with our requirements and show where improvements can be made. We’re also members of bluesign® system, an international standard for sustainable textile production.

Smart logistics. Close to you.

We source from 32 countries, manufacture in seven countries, and sell to 140 countries. So it’s no surprise that the flow of materials and products is responsible for most of our climate impact and more than half our total CO2 emissions. To make our logistics more efficient, we’re continuously working to reduce transportation distances, optimize packaging, and make the best use of capacity. We also do what we can to replace road freight with rail shipments and cut down on air transport.

Thule Sustainability

Responsible business

Our values define who we are and what we stand for. And they also serve as a compass to guide us in what we do and how we behave responsibly towards each other.

Getting involved and benefiting the community

Our desire to be involved in society can be seen throughout our business: It’s an important part of our culture. For instance, we support organizations that help children and adults with disabilities and other difficulties. Giving support in various ways to make it easier for them to live active, healthy, and independent lives.

Local and global activities

We cooperate internationally with committed athletes in our Thule Crew in various projects around the world under the umbrella name Thule Pathos. Our initiatives include helping disabled young people in Sweden to try out new sports, building a bicycle park at an orphanage in El Salvador and supporting school food programs in Nepal, as well as many other local initiatives.

Two cyclists in a field with a Thule bike trailers, waiting for a toddler arriving on his bike.





Thule Group 是多個組織的會員或合作夥伴,而這些組織負責多種不同的計畫,以期促進運動和戶外產業的永續經營並確保產業能有正面的發展,同時帶來整體上可持續的社會發展。
Bluesign System Partner

bluesign® 系統是一種旨在消除有害物質,並為環保和安全生產設定高標準的永續紡織品生產認證。Thule Group 是 bluesign® 系統的合作夥伴,也就是說我們採用符合節能、工作安全、環境和消費者保護的嚴格條件,並且在生產過程中不會產生有害物質。

The Conservation Alliance
野生保育協會 (Conservation Alliance) 的宗旨,是透過野生保育區、河流和其他地區等野生動物棲息地的保護,並提高休閒產業的價值,進而達到保護北美洲的戶外地區。
European Outdoor Conservation Association
位於歐洲的歐洲戶外保護協會 (European Outdoor Conservation Association,EOCA) 與北美洲的野生保育協會同是非營利組織,並與許多戶外、運動和休閒產業的演員合作,以保護敏感的自然區和野外生態系統。
Leave No Trace
無痕山林 (Leave No Trace) 是世界環保行動、非營利組織和教育計畫,旨在教育人們以負責任的方式享受戶外生活,進而達到保護自然環境的目的。為了完成這個使命,這個組織每年為世界各地數以千萬計的人們提供最新進的教育和研究。
Outdoor Foundation
由美國戶外產業協會 (Outdoor Industry Association,OIA) 成立的戶外基金會 (Outdoor Foundation),不但鼓勵年輕人積極從事戶外活動,並且提供資金給校園社團和其他年輕人團體,贊助他們的戶外活動和裝備用品,藉以鼓勵新一代的戶外活動愛好者。
Mistra Sport and Outdoor 計畫 - Toward Sustainable Solutions (迎向永續解決方案) 是一項研究和合作計畫,旨在為更進一步提高的運動和戶外生活永續收集知識資訊並打造解決方案。Mistra 是獨立研究基金會,協助進行對於良好生活環境而言很重要的策略研究。自 2020 年春季開始,Thule Group 就積極參與此計畫。


UN Global Compact

聯合國全球契約是全世界規模最大的企業可永續發展計畫,要求公司企業在人權、勞工、環境和反貪腐領域遵守通用的永續發展原則。Thule Group 積極聯合國全球契約,並致力於在全世界支持聯合國全球契約的十項原則。

This is Thule