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Life’s adventures start here

Embark on life's journey with Thule, where every adventure begins. From the cherished moments of your newborn's first car ride to the countless family escapades that lie ahead, we're here to accompany you every step of the way. Our range of products ensures that your family's adventures are safe, comfortable, and unforgettable.

From newborn to toddler

Strolling down memory lane

Meet our ambassadors Felix and Miriam Neureuther and listen to their story about family and what’s important for them.

A dark-skinned woman with black hair standing behind a squatting light-skinned woman with blonde hair with both looking to the left side. To each side of them is one Thule Urban Glide 3 stroller in mid-blue one in black.

Thule Urban Glide 3

Learn more about our design icon and award winning stroller that is perfect for urban and sporty activities.

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A light-brown haired woman running in a forest setting with a Thule Glide stroller in a black color.

When can I start exercising after birth? 

When is it safe to start exercising postpartum? And which workouts are good to do after birth?

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A dark-skinned man wearing black clothes leaning on a dark grey wall. He is holding a blue backpack in one hand and a stroller with a toddler in with the other hand.

Be you

Be creative, focused, adventurous, social, active... Be all that. But most importantly. Be you.

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A woman in everyday clothes clothes with a toddler in a stroller in an urban setting with concrete wall.

Buying a stroller? Find out all you need to know!

In this guide we help you find the perfect one for your family
A woman in the backseat of a vehicle smiles at a child sitting in a rear-facing Thule car seat.

Car seats buyers guide

Find out everything you need to know about choosing a car seat for your child

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